Welcome to issue 3!
This week's articles include how to shape an ideal company culture, developing leaders for tomorrow, resolving conflict within your team, how to empower your team, establishing yourself as a trainer, finding your superpower, thought leader interview with David Allen and much more...
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Hays Middle East Partners with Women Choice to Help Create 1M Jobs for Women
Hays Middle East and Women Choice have partnered to help boost the employment of women in the Middle East. Hays joins a long list of highly committed partners that are helping create one million jobs for women across MENA... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Dubai Chamber of Commerce Successfully Concludes Business Groups Enablement Programme
Dubai Chamber of Commerce, one of the three chambers operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chambers, has successfully concluded the first cycle of a transformational Business Groups Enablement Programme... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Gulf Bank Launches the Ninth Edition of its Ajyal Program
As part of its continuous efforts to develop and enhance the capabilities of its employees, Gulf Bank has launched the ninth edition of its AJYAL program... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
How to Shape an Ideal Company Culture Using L&D
The cultural web is a model, the purpose of which is to show the relations between the taken for granted assumptions, behaviors, structures, and symbols that characterize organizational culture... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Developing Dynamic Leaders for Tomorrow
Developing dynamic leaders from within the ranks has now become imperative and very critical task to ensure we have leaders who have learned the organization from the ground up and who buy into the vision of the company and help realize it... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Using Training to Drive Change
A change process first of all requires management endorsement and continuous communication. In addition, training may be a good tool... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Where is the Conflict in Your Team?
In today’s organizations with employees from multi-cultural backgrounds, there are bound to be misunderstandings and inevitably conflicts will raise their ugly head now and then. As a manager, you will often find yourself in conflict with others or will be called to mediate for others in conflict... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Empowering Your Team
Where interpersonal working relationships have been improved, team members are able to work together better, producing better deliverables more efficiently. Morale and motivation rise. This is empowerment... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Evolving Empowerment with Coaching
Coaching brings out the best in people by helping them focus, take constructive action on plans and clarify their professional values. In recent years, coaching services have been adopted by many companies in the region to enhance the performance of their team... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Establishing Yourself As A Trainer
As a Trainer by profession it became very apparent to me that besides the obvious path of gaining knowledge (through books, the internet and attending seminars or other training sessions), I would also need to gain a higher level of knowledge through my peers in the field... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
The Best Approach to Brilliant Mentoring
Mentoring relationships are rewarding, not only to the Mentee but also to the Mentor. There is a lot of learning that both individuals undergo during this process. The mentee will obtain the solutions from his own opinion as he expands his frontiers of perceptions and understanding... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Finding Your Superpower!
Being in your superpower is about being absolutely aligned with who you are, your vision, who you are, what you believe in, and your WHY – Why you are doing what you are doing and the vision of your business... (Click Here To Read The Full Article)
Thought Leader Interview: David Allen
I am a management consultant, executive coach and trainer. Over the last thirty years I have researched and developed a methodology of best practices for staying clear, in control, and focused amidst multiple priorities, and the avalanche of information and input that accompanies the rapid changes in the world... (Click Here To Read The Full Interview)
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